Flutter By

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Safe In Boston

We are safe in Boston after a crazy travel day! Loving the sweet people here at the Yawkey Family Inn (similar to Ronald McDonald House, temporary low-rent in a shared home for families of patients). Thinking of all the things I did not get done but wanted to in the crazy days of this week.  Thank you also to my dear friend L for adopting my children for the ten days before Justin gets home, especially little G who has been having a lot of separation anxiety and tried to hug the computer screen tonight when he saw my face on the video call. I'll be home around Thanksgiving, I hope. I'm going to miss autumn in Utah, it's my favorite time of year. But I just keep reminding myself, despite everything, this is going to be a grand adventure.  There are some legendary things like New England autumns and fireflies that have been a part of my standing bucket list, you know? My heart races to think of all the adventures that could be had, and I hope Audrey does well so that she and the other kids can be able to enjoy many of them together with me. Today we got really excited following along the map from what we could see from the airplane, as we flew over Lake Michigan and many other major landmarks of our country, and one of the coolest things-- we saw both Niagara Falls (very recognizable by its bright white mist) and Palmyra from the air!!!!! I hope it works out to see those things up close, but a little part of me feels like I have truly lived, since I got to see them at least from that vantage point!!!  Especially going to enjoy sharing a few of the Boston sights with my husband for the days he is with Audrey and I.  He'll head home a couple of days after Wednesday's surgery.

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